

As a massage is for the physical body, Reiki is a massage for the energetic body, getting to the root and unlocking the emotional and mental discomforts and blocks that have manifested into our physical world. With meditation and Reiki we begin connecting with the energetic, emotional and mental states of our being, moving and exploring deeper within so that we may with time experience and express our more authentic Self without.

Reiki sessions leave you feeling more grounded, peaceful and connected to Self.

Session Breakdown

70 minute session

10 min - Guided Meditation
50 min - Reiki
10 min - Grounding and Reflection

$125+hst | 10% off for Auto-Renew Unlimited Members

20 minutes


Sessions are available Tuesdays 1-5pm with Talib Hussain.


Please note if you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours noticed you will be charged the full amount of your appointment. No exceptions.